Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Judi Moreo Author of You Are More Than Enough

We're happy to have Judi Moreo with us today. Judi has done some very interesting things and she is working to help people reach their full potential. Do you realize that You Are More Than Enough? Read on and you could find out more about yourself and what you can accomplish.

1 - How did you get interested in the topic that’s featured in your book?

As long as I can remember, I have had an interest in Self Improvement and Personal Development. I have three older sisters and they were always into looking good and doing the right thing, so I believe it just wore off on me.

2 - Tell us a bit about your background. What have you done in the past that relates to your book and that topic?

I am a motivational speaker and trainer. I have been teaching Communication, Image, and Creative thinking for many, many, many years. I have spoken at women’s conferences in Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, China, Thailand, Australia, Namibia, Botswana, South Africa, and England. Around the world, women have told me that they feel they should be more, do more, achieve more than they already have and it doesn’t seem to matter how accomplished they are, they still have this feeling of “less than”. So I decided to share with women what I know about believing in yourself and finding your own purpose, passion, and power. In addition, I owned the largest and most successful modeling school and agency in Las Vegas for 17 years.

3 - What advise would you give to someone who is interested in your topic?

The first thing I advise them to do is read ”You Are More Than Enough”. It gives them step-by-step action plans to turn their life into the life they want.

4 - What do you see as the benefit to participating in groups and organizations? My first thought would be networking opportunities and the chance for personal and business growth. What are your reasons?

Networking opportunities, of course. Plus if you get involved and become a Board Member or take on a committee, you get to practice all your skills of interpersonal communication, delegation, organizing, making decisions. You get to hear speakers that may have some knowledge that you want to learn. And you have an opportunity to give back to your community and to other people. That’s very rewarding.

5 - Who is the ideal person to read your book?

Women who want to be more, have more, do more. Women who need to feel better about themselves. If each person that reads this was going to recommend your book to one person, what sort of person would they want to chose? Someone who wants or needs more self confidence.

I’m surprised out how many men have bought the book, and then bought copies for everyone they know. One man bought 26 copies.

6 - What do you think ignites a person’s creativity?

Observation and quiet time.

7 - What have you found to be the biggest stumbling block for people who want to start writing?

They don’t know where to begin and some think they must do it all at one time.

8 - How would you suggest they can overcome that?

First off….just start. Write something every day and write in your spare time and wherever you are. I am a motivational speaker, so I travel a lot. I use my waiting time in airports for writing. I write on the plane, in hotel rooms, in restaurants. Carry a notebook with you and make a note of your observations……interesting things..humorous things…people’s interactions….describe what the people look like in detail

9 - What do you find is the biggest motivator for people to succeed? Is it money, security, desire for fame or something else?

Everyone has their own motivator. For many it is recognition…

maybe not fame….but being recognized as important to the people who matter to them.

10 - Who is the “perfect” person to read your book?

I believe everyone can benefit from my book….Parents, women reentering the workplace, people who want to improve their communication skills and their relationships. It really is a personal development course. It’s not a book that you have to read straight through. You can pick it up, choose a chapter that pertains to your life right now, and read the rest of it at another time.

11 - Is there anything else you would like to share with us?

It is my goal to get 100,000 women to read this book this year. I wrote this from my knowledge and my heart. I know it will improve your life in many ways if you read it and apply what you read. You really are “more than enough” to have, do, and be what you want.

Judi's newest book, "You Are More Than Enough: Every Woman's Guide to Purpose, Passion, and Power" is available in bookstores everywhere. ISBN #1-932173-72-2 or by calling Charlotte at (702) 896-2228.

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